My Event Schedule

If you are interested in experiencing Gold Canyon, but can't have a party yourself, please see my events below. You may be surprised who you may know that is having one in your local area.

Lisa Martin and Abby Parks ~ Lisa and Abby have a book party open together and want to close before May 22nd with hopes of getting the FREE Pod Warmers in the current Hostess Promotion.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

My GC Story

Last month, Gold Canyon featured a few demonstrator's Gold Canyon Story and I thought I would share mine.

June, 2009, I stumbled across a blog highlighting Gold Canyon. I went online to check the company out because I had never heard of it, but I love candles. I decided to find a Demonstrator that was near me (which was in VA Beach) and ordered a candle just to see what I thought about the product. I received my candle about a week later and I was hooked! I talked it over with Charlie (my husband) and he was on board as well with as much support as I needed (God love him :o) I contacted the lady through email, but because it was Summer, she was vacationing and really didn't seem to want to help me get started, so I searched for the second nearest demonstrator and that is when I found Tiffany Rennie out of Hertford, NC. Tiffany was so excited that I contacted her and has been a great support every since.

As you can see, my two closest counter-parts were both over an hour away from me. I was the first demonstrator in my area. All the other Home Businesses I had heard of had many, many demonstrators and I didn't want to do something everyone else was doing.

I ordered my Full Demonstrator Kit on June 25th and had my first Home Show scheduled at my house on July 12th. It was a huge success! I sold over $700 worth of Gold Canyon that day and over $300 more by the following Friday, which let me earn my Full Demonstrator Kit for FREE, plus I made over $280 in commission and received $75 worth of GC Products for hitting my first Quick Start! (I can tell you more about Quick Starts if you contact me). Now I had security that if this did turn out to be something I didn't want to continue, that I could quit at any time and I wasn't out any money. After my first year with Gold Canyon, I averaged over $650 a month income. I have to say, this is something I want to continue!!!

If you are interested in becoming a Demonstrator, here are a few factors that might help you decided...
  1. Do you LOVE candles?
  2. Do you want to make extra money for you and/or your family?
  3. Do you want to make your own work schedule?
If you answered "Yes" to any of these questions, let me help you get started TODAY! I am willing to be there for you like Tiffany has been there for me. The more success you have with Gold Canyon, the more success I will have.

Please call (252) 209-1480 or email me ( to get started NOW! This is the best time to start your new business with Christmas just around the corner.