My Event Schedule

If you are interested in experiencing Gold Canyon, but can't have a party yourself, please see my events below. You may be surprised who you may know that is having one in your local area.

Lisa Martin and Abby Parks ~ Lisa and Abby have a book party open together and want to close before May 22nd with hopes of getting the FREE Pod Warmers in the current Hostess Promotion.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Early Christmas...

It seemed like Christmas came early to me yesterday when I finally had the chance to sit down and smell my new fragrances for the new Gold Canyon Season starting January 1st. It is really hard for me to find one I don't like in some way. They all have a distinctive smell that I think would suit anyone's taste.

I think my most favorite is Grass. I was so excited when I saw the catalog online and saw that was one of the new fragrances. I just kept thinking to myself, "I bet that is awesome" and "I can't wait to smell that one." Then I was telling someone about it and they said "Yeah, but would you want your house to smell like that?" Then I was thinking, "Well, no"...dang-it, why did this person try to ruin it for me? Well Gold Canyon did not disappoint. It is actually better than I thought it could be. I REALLY want this in a 26oz. Heritage like TODAY! lol Why make me wait, GC?

Some of the other new fragrances that I think will be popular this New Year is Orange Mango (I think Judi will love this!), Love Struck (a favorite from last year is back!), Pink Lemonade Spritzer, Juicy Pear, Orange Vanilla, Apple, Lemon Bar, Cherry Pie, Strawberry Kiwi, Marshmallow Confections, Spring Posies, Jelly Beans and Candy Hearts.

Something else that might be exciting for some of you is that the Aroma Gold candles are now called Essentially Soy Aromatherapy. It never fails, at almost every party or show I am at, someone asks me, "Are these those soy candles?" Of course I have to say no, but now I can say, well, we do have some soy candles. In my opinion, I think the regular GC candles burn just as clean as soy though. Not sure if people really even know what is so great about soy to begin with! :o)

I am now setting up party dates for the New Year. Contact me today to get your party scheduled and introduce your family and friends to these wonderful new fragrances!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

November Achievements!

I want to congratulate Amy Bowen once again. Amy has reached her third Quick Start level where she will receive another $100 in free products! She did this in a matter of two months. I am so proud of you, Amy!

I would also like to congratulate another new demonstrator, Anita Burch for reaching her First Quick Start level. Like many of us, Anita has a full plate, but she was still able to reach her first goal within 30 days of signing with Gold Canyon. She will now get her Demonstrator Kit Free and also receive $75 in free GC Products. Keep up the great work, Anita!

Our team also had more achievements during the month of November. Because more than 60% of our team (Amy, Anita and myself) was able to have 2 or more $400 parties each during the month, we will receive 5% extra commission for those parties. I am also happy to announce that since Amy and myself had 3+ parties over $400, we will receive a $100 bonus and Anita had 2 parties over $400, she will receive a $50 bonus from Gold Canyon.

I am just so extremely proud of our team!

Contact any of our team demonstrators to schedule your own Gold Canyon Party today!!!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Team and 3rd Quarter Acheivements

First off, I want to congratulate Amy Bowen once again for hitting her second Quick Start. Amy sold $1000 in product in the last 10 days to get her to the second level. She will now receive $100 in free Gold Canyon merchandise that she can use herself or use as demonstration products. CONGRATULATIONS, AMY, ON ALL YOUR SUCCESS!!!

Secondly, I want to pat my own back a little bit. I received the Gold Canyon "Going Gold" 3rd Quarter Issue in today's Wednesday Weekly. I found out that I was 21st in Personal Sales and 49th in Most Parties out of all the demonstrators in the USA during the 3rd Quarter. That is amazing! I am so happy and proud of my accomplishments so far. I want to thank each and everyone of you that support my business and love Gold Canyon as much as I do. I could not have achieved either goal without your support!

Pod Warmer Video

I thought I would share this training video that I got today in my Gold Canyon Wednesday Weekly. This will better explain the Pod Warmer. If you are interested in getting a Pod Warmer, please message me or visit my website.

Pod Warmer Video

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Host The Most

I got this email yesterday and wanted you all to be able to register and plan your Gold Canyon Party before December 31st!!!

Just for registering, you will be entered into a sweepstakes and could win up to $500 per drawing. When you register, you get 1 entry and once you close your party before December 31st, you get 5 more entries. It is worth a shot!

Let me know when you register so we can start planning your party today!


Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Just For You Party

I had the opportunity to visit with a customer last night who on a whim decided to try my candles and ordered from my website. While at her home, she asked me "How much has to be bought for a hostess to start receiving benefits." I told her that a "Party" had to have $150 in sales. Her eyes lit up and she said, "So I can buy $150 worth of products and get the benefits from it?" I had never thought about that, but the answer is "YES".

So if there are any of you out there wants to place an order of $150 or more for Christmas presents or just for yourself, you will receive $20 in FREE products. If $250 is bought, you would get $40 in FREE products, plus one half off item. I will have to place the order for you, but I can have it shipped directly to you!

If you are interested, please comment me your email address or just email me directly at

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Congrats to Amy!!!

My Sister-In-Law, Amy decided to try her hand at selling Gold Canyon products in early October. This past weekend, she reached her first Quick Start Goal and will be getting the $59.99 she invested in her kit back and $75 in FREE products. To reach the first Quick Start, you have to sell $700 in products in the first 30 days of your business. Amy sold $715 in the first 25 days.

Congratulations, Amy on your successful beginning! I hope you have found Gold Canyon to be a fun business and that you will continue to be successful.

Amy has now started on her 2nd Quick Start and I am confident she will reach that goal as well.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Scent Recipe - Pumpkin Latte

Have you ever had company coming over and you wanted to make sure your house was smelling spectacular? You may have a clean smell in the living room, a cookie smell in the kitchen and a fruity smell in your foyer. You might be creating a bunch of scents, but wouldn't you like for those scent to go together and make one great impact on your guests?

I am going to share some great Scent Recipes with you over the next several weeks that will have your home smelling better than you ever thought possible. The first I want to introduce is Pumpkin Latte. With Thanksgiving just around the corner, your family and friends will love this blend of a season favorite pie, but with a twist of Starbucks in the distance.

Pumpkin Latte Recipe
17 oz. Caffe Velluto Candle - Vanilla Latte
26 oz. Heritage Candle - Pumpkin Pie
16 oz. Heritage Candle - Cinnamon

Try this combination and let me know what you think!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Another Scent Pod Use...

A co-worker of mine bought a scent pod from me, but no warmer. I didn't question her at the time, but I did the other day. She said she uses it in her office on top of her computer. She said it gets warm enough on that to create smell in her office. I never thought about that use!

Give it a try and let me know if it works for you!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Facebook Fan Page

If you have fallen in love with Gold Canyon Candles and want to stay up-to-date on promotions and specials, please join my Facebook Fan Page!

Mandy's Gold Canyon Candles

Friday, October 30, 2009

Wicks and Wax

What sets Gold Canyon apart from other candle manufacturers is the type of wicks and wax that are used in the products.

As members of the National Candle Association, Gold Canyon promotes the use of environmentally safe wicks in all the candles it produces. Gold Canyon uses both zinc core and cotton wicks that are made in the USA with a safety collar on select sizes that extinguish automatically at the appropriate level.

Gold Canyon uses different high quality waxes based on the needs of our different candle lines. We use both food-grade paraffin wax as well as natural vegetable wax.

Food-Grade Paraffin Wax used in the majority of Gold Canyon’s candle products, paraffin comes from companies that manufacture food-grade paraffin as a primary product and from refineries as a by-product. Both resources provide varying degrees of quality.

Natural Vegetable Wax is a renewable resource made with all natural ingredients that provide a clean, even burn.

So, when you smell Gold Canyon Candles and think to yourself, "Gosh, it smells good enough to eat", know that if you get the urge to take a bite, it is not recommended, but it won't kill you! lol

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Pod Warmers & Scent Pods...FAQ

I think the best seller behind the GC Heritage Candles is definitely the Pod Warmers and Scent Pods. I love the Pod Warmers as well and if you are the type of person that gets tired of the same scent over and over, then the Pod Warmer is the way to go. Here are some frequently asked questions I get all the time about the Pod Warmers and this may answer some of your questions about them as well.

1. What is the difference in a Pod Warmer and Tart Burner? - - The traditional Tart Burners (TBs) get really hot and some you have to use tealights to heat the tart. I have never seen a TB that has a timer, so if you forget to turn your burner off, then the smell is gone within a day and you also have a fire hazzard in your home. After a tart has lost it scent, you then have the messy task of getting the wax out of the burner to replace it with another.

Pod Warmers (PWs) are the total opposite. The wax that Gold Canyon uses is a parrafin based wax, so it does not need alot of heat to melt, so the PWs do not get too hot that you can't touch the heat plate while it is on or touch the wax as it is liquefied. All of the GC PWs have a timer except the Jolly Snowman (I think these were left overs from last year before they started putting timers on them), so you can set your warmer for 4, 8, 12 hours at a time. Why run your PW when you aren't around to enjoy it? Another great attribute the PWs have is that when you are tired of a scent or want to smell something new, you can take the Scent Pod off the warmer and replace with another. Within 45 minutes, you will start to smell the new smell.

2. How long do the Scent Pods last? - - Scent Pods (SPs) are rated to last 20 hours. This is if they are on the warmer for 20 hours straight. I recommend my customers to use their timers! I cannot stress that enough...USE YOUR PW TIMERS!!! Also, another way to make your SP last is to rotate them. I have not used up a SP yet and I have 6 that I have been rotating since July. When wax is able to solidify, the scent in them rebuilds. If you follow these rules, you will be alot more satisfied with your Pod Warmers and Scent Pods.

3. Can't I just use Scent Pods on my Tart Burner and/or coffee/candle warmers? - - My answer is NO! This has definitely been a popular question because most people have purchased these type products and just simply like the fact that Scent Pods are contained in a plastic cup with no messy clean up. Of course, these type burners and warmers will melt the wax in the SPs, but you will not get the same outcome from your scented wax. I have had people tell me that their burners/warmers got too hot and it made the wax smell burnt. The SPs are designed for the Pod Warmers specifically, so please, if you desire to use the SPs, please purchase the Pod Warmer to go with it. I realize it is a large investment ($29.98) for the warmer, but I usually have a discount coupon or another option to get it much cheaper. I don't want any of you to be disappointed, but you will be if you don't use the Scent Pods properly. It would be like buying gas when you don't have a car.

4. Do you recommend a Pod Warmer over a Candle? - - As I stated above, if you are the type of person that easily gets tired of a certain smell, PWs are great. You never have to keep the same smell in your house all the time. If you are in the mood for a clean smell, warm up Ginger Lime or Clean Sheets. If you are in the mood for something that is warm and inviting, warm up Autumn Walk or Cozy Cabin. If you are in the mood for something that smells like you have been baking all day, warm up Warm Apple Crisp, Cobbler on the Porch or Fabulous Fudge Brownie. If you want a fruity smell, warm up Pomegranate or Fresh Orange. If you are in the mood for flowers and sweetness, warm up Sweet Pea or Wildflowers. PWs are great for mood shifting and enjoyment. The Fall and Holiday Scents are wonderful, so if you are looking for something that will be perfect for Thanksgiving, Pumpkin Pie and Harvest Hearth are both wonderful. For the Holidays, try Cozy Christmas, Cinnamon Garland, Frosted Woodland, Peppermint Bark, Sleigh Ride or Toffee Drizzled Popcorn. The options are endless when you choose to purchase a Pod Warmer.

I hope this has helped answer some of your "burning" questions about Pod Warmers. Any of you that have purchased a Pod Warmer, feel free to give your own testimonal about your product. I am sure others would rather hear from you than me since you, like them, are the consumer.

Monday, October 26, 2009

One Week Left!

Now through October 31st, you can enjoy Gold Canyon Candles for 25% off a $50 order through my Gold Canyon Website! There is no better time to save money on Christmas gifts for family and friends and everyone loves candles. With a gift of Gold Canyon, they will love you even more!

At the check out, enter Promo Code 28N191OCT09 to receive this discount!

Let me explain the can buy $50 worth of GC Products for as little as $37.50, plus shipping/handling and tax. That is an awesome deal!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Something Smells Good!

I stopped by my friend/customer, Jennifer Wheeler's home this morning to drop off another candle and as soon as she opened the door, I was welcomed by a wonderful smell. I said, "Hmm...something smells good" and she said it was her Gingerbread House Candle. She invited me in to see how evenly her 26oz. Heritage was burning and then proceeded to tell me how much she has enjoyed her Gold Canyon products.

As I looked into the candle jar, I noticed that the top of the wax wasn't even completely liquefied, so I knew she hadn't been burning the candle too long. It is just amazing how little you have to burn these products before the smell takes over your entire space. Jennifer has a pretty open home, so of course the smell was everywhere!

Word of mouth has been my biggest sales promoter so far and I can't wait for more of my family and friends to try these products and share with their family and friends what wonderful products they really are. You definitely get your money's worth with you invest in Gold Canyon!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Homeology Products

I just have to share that I used my Homeology Floor Cleaner last night for the first time on my kitchen floor. I have used a lot of cleaning products in my time, but I have to admit this is the best floor cleaner I have ever used. I wish I could have taken before and after pictures to show the difference, but they would have never done justice. Even the smell of the cleaner is refreshing and there is no ammonia. I really don't know what the cleaning agent is in this product, but it was just eating away the dirt and grime. I even used it on my wall (it is wallpaper, not sure what it would do to paint) behind my trashcan where mess is just ground in and I can never get it perfectly clean. You can even use this Floor Cleaner on hardwood floors. Awesome product!

I also love the Homeology Glass Cleaner. The only glass cleaner I ever used that did not streak was Cinch and that is so hard to find now. I just love this product! The Homeology All Purpose Cleaner is great as well, but I just had to comment about the Floor and Glass Cleaners. I will never buy another store bought cleaner for those areas of my home again.

Homeology Cleaners are plant based and safe for the environment. You can get the Homeology cleaners for $11.98 (35 fl. oz. bottle) and the refills are $8.98, so once you purchase the big bottle, you can get the refill a lot cheaper and reuse your old bottle. Just simply add distilled water to finish filling your bottle and you are ready to go!

I also have this Eco-Shopper bag you see in the picture. It is just so cute! I use it for everything, not just my groceries.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Business Opportunity

There may be one or two of you who may be interested in becoming a Gold Canyon Demonstrator, but are just scared. When I found out about Gold Canyon and especially after I tried the product, I was sold. I got an adrenaline rush and new that I wanted to share these products with everyone. I absolutely love candles and never thought there was a candle out there better than Yankee, but there is! I talked with Charlie and Mrs. Pinky (to see if she could help with Mason) and I decided to take this leap of faith and I am so glad I did!

If Gold Canyon seems like a great way for you to make extra money and work with a flexible schedule, read below about how to join my team. First off, I only have one disclosure statement...People are not going to come to you at first to buy your product, you have got to get the word out and talk them into trying the product if they haven't already. You HAVE to work your business if you want it to be successful...

What is my cost to join?
Joining Gold Canyon can be absolutely FREE! There are 3 different Demonstrator kits to choose from, but I recommend the Full Demonstrator Kit because that includes some show products, marketing tools, catalogs, order forms and other cool things, but the main advantage, it includes all the scent/fragrance samples. It would be extremely hard to sell candles without being able to let your customers smell the product before purchasing it.

The Full Demonstrator Kit is $149.97 and can be broken into 3 easy payments of $49.99. The first payment includes a $10 shipping fee and sales tax. The day you join Gold Canyon, your business has begun. You have 30 days from that point to sell $700 in products to get your first payment of $49.99 and hipping back.

How to join my team!
1. Go to my Gold Canyon Website and click on Join Us. Scroll down until you see Enroll Now and click there. You will be directed to a website that shows my Demonstrator ID (681040) and my last name (Vann) which tells you that you will be joining my team. Continue through all the forms, most of it is self explanatory. This is also where you decide which Demo Kit you want to get.

2. Your kit will arrive in about a week. This week will give you time to figure out a good date to schedule a Debut Party. A Debut Party is just a little training party where you can practice your demonstrator skills in front of people you are already comfortable with, your family and friends. This is also a great way to sell your $700 in products quickly, reach your first Quick Start and also book more parties. A Debut Party is not necessary, but I recommend it. I hit my $700 sales goal at my Debut Party and got the money I paid for my Kit refunded. After you reach that first $700 in sales within 30 days and you feel this is not for you, you can keep all the Host Rewards you earned with your Debut Party and all the products you received with your kit...NO RISK IF YOU DECIDE TO QUIT!

What is the Quick Start Program?
Gold Canyon offers a 3 step Quick Start Program to give you the motivation to sell your products. Each step lasts for 30 days each.

Quick Start Level 1 (Day 1 – 30)

What You Need to Do:

  • Submit at least 1 commissionable order
  • Achieve sales of $700 or more within this period

Your Rewards:

  • Gold Canyon products valued over $75

Quick Start Level 2 (Day 31 – 60)
What You Need to Do:

  • Submit at least 1 commissionable order
  • Achieve sales of $1,000 or more within this period

Your Rewards:

  • Gold Canyon products valued over $100

Quick Start Level 3 (Day 61– 90)
What You Need to Do:

  • Submit at least 1 commissionable order
  • Achieve sales of $1,000 or more within this period

Your Rewards:

  • Gold Canyon products valued over $100
I was able to reach all 3 Quick Start Levels within the first 60 days of my business. As soon as you complete one level, you move on to the next (you start your next 30 days over, they do not accumulate).

How much money can I make?
Below is a chart showing what a demonstrator makes off their sales. The Base Commission is 25%, but when you reach new levels, you receive override commissions. They really add up! These figures are based off monthly sales only. You start over on the 1st of each month.
If you are curious, I sold over $2,000 in July, over $1,900 in August, over $1,800 in September and are on mark to sell close to $2,000 this month. For just July, August and September, I made over $1,700 and have received over $600 in free products through my Quick Starts and extra incentives that Gold Canyon has given me.

You do get commissions from sales by your team sales as well. The further up the Demonstrator Ladder you go, the more you make off your team sales. Gold Canyon also offers Team Incentives where you can make even more money off your sales. I love this, because it keeps everyone motivated to sell more and make more money!

Please contact me if you want to get started or if you need help. I am here for all my team members and customers any time of the day! You can email me at or you can call me at (252) 209-1480.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Support - - Thanks!

I just wanted to take a couple of minutes to thank everyone who is supporting me with my new business. First off, none of this would be possible if it weren't for my husband, Charlie and my MIL, Mrs. Pinky. Charlie has always been my rock and a huge supporter of anything and everything I have ever wanted to do. Since Charlie works shiftwork, I knew there would be times that I would have to schedule Home Show Parties during his work times, so I asked Mrs. Pinky would she mind helping me with Mason during those times. She of course loved that she would get more quality time with her grandson and she too supports me 100%. I could not have asked for a better support system in my personal life.

Now to my customers and hosts. I am not crazy to think that I could sell these products without all of you supporting me. I am so blessed to have all of you to try my product just because I told you how great they are. You had faith in me and I hope you now have faith in my product. I have had several Home Shows and Catalog Parties and without your support I would not have the customer base I have now. I love it when someone tells me that they went into someone's home and it smelt so good and they were introduced to my candles. What a great way to introduce a product!

I have been fortunate enough to now have two demonstrators under me, Janet Martin who joined almost 3 weeks ago and my SIL, Amy who joined last weekend. I am so excited that ya'll will be along with me on my journey. I hope I can be there for you and help you make your business as successful as you would want it to be. Good luck, Girls!

Last, but not least, I want to thank my Gold Canyon Manager, Tiffany. Tiffany didn't know me from Adam when I first contacted her about Gold Canyon. She took me under her wing and has been there every step of the way if I had any questions or concerns. Thank you for helping me start my new business! I am so glad we got to meet a few weeks back and I look forward to having more meetings and times together to share ideas and keep this business growing!

25% off a $50 Order!

Now through October 31st, you can enjoy Gold Canyon Candles for 25% off a $50 order through my Gold Canyon Website! There is no better time to save money on Christmas gifts for family and friends and everyone loves candles. With a gift of Gold Canyon, they will love you even more!

At the check out, enter Promo Code 28N191OCT09 to receive this discount!

Let me explain the can buy $50 worth of GC Products for as little as $37.50, plus shipping/handling and tax. That is an awesome deal!

New Gold Canyon Blog

I am so excited to launch this new Blog where I can continue to introduce Gold Canyon Products to all my family and friends. This is also a place where you can come to get the latest promotions to order online, hosting a party of your own and even FREE give-a-ways! I hope this will be informative and a way to hear from actual lovers of Gold Canyon.

Stay tuned for all the exciting news and products that myself and Gold Canyon has to offer our customers.