My Event Schedule

If you are interested in experiencing Gold Canyon, but can't have a party yourself, please see my events below. You may be surprised who you may know that is having one in your local area.

Lisa Martin and Abby Parks ~ Lisa and Abby have a book party open together and want to close before May 22nd with hopes of getting the FREE Pod Warmers in the current Hostess Promotion.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Team and 3rd Quarter Acheivements

First off, I want to congratulate Amy Bowen once again for hitting her second Quick Start. Amy sold $1000 in product in the last 10 days to get her to the second level. She will now receive $100 in free Gold Canyon merchandise that she can use herself or use as demonstration products. CONGRATULATIONS, AMY, ON ALL YOUR SUCCESS!!!

Secondly, I want to pat my own back a little bit. I received the Gold Canyon "Going Gold" 3rd Quarter Issue in today's Wednesday Weekly. I found out that I was 21st in Personal Sales and 49th in Most Parties out of all the demonstrators in the USA during the 3rd Quarter. That is amazing! I am so happy and proud of my accomplishments so far. I want to thank each and everyone of you that support my business and love Gold Canyon as much as I do. I could not have achieved either goal without your support!

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