My Event Schedule

If you are interested in experiencing Gold Canyon, but can't have a party yourself, please see my events below. You may be surprised who you may know that is having one in your local area.

Lisa Martin and Abby Parks ~ Lisa and Abby have a book party open together and want to close before May 22nd with hopes of getting the FREE Pod Warmers in the current Hostess Promotion.

Friday, October 16, 2009

25% off a $50 Order!

Now through October 31st, you can enjoy Gold Canyon Candles for 25% off a $50 order through my Gold Canyon Website! There is no better time to save money on Christmas gifts for family and friends and everyone loves candles. With a gift of Gold Canyon, they will love you even more!

At the check out, enter Promo Code 28N191OCT09 to receive this discount!

Let me explain the can buy $50 worth of GC Products for as little as $37.50, plus shipping/handling and tax. That is an awesome deal!


  1. I will take a look. Let me know when Wendy books. I will put in my christmas list with them all there.

  2. Love your GC site! What a great way to keep everyone informed!
